Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week 3: Making Money for Good

“Aid for AIDS of Nevada (AFAN) provides support and advocacy for adults and children living with and affected by HIV/AIDS in southern Nevada. AFAN works to reduce HIV infection through prevention education to eliminate fear, prejudice and the stigma associated with the disease.”
Ever since ive been in Las Vegas I have volunteer my time helping out with a handful of non-profit organizations, among them is AFAN of Las Vegas. There a great group that helps out a lot of people and even some of my close friends that are living with AIDS. One of there big supporters of AFAN are the magicians Penn and Teller.
Penn and Teller have raised and donated  thousands of dollars over the years for AFAN. Over the years they have spoke and perform for some of AFANs events. They help spread knowledge of the importance of contributing to an important cause and how this epidemic can effect anyone. Penn and Tell not only help spread the word but challenge others to donate to AFAN.   “Las Vegas entertainers Penn & Teller will serve as grand marshals for Aid for AIDS of Nevada's AIDS Walk set for Apr. 15. The duo is also challenging participants to raise as much money as possible under the Penn & Teller Challenge. They promise to match all funds raised by members of the challenge, AFAN said.”

I personally have done the AFAN AIDS walk for the past 5 years and its a lot of fun, and have had the honor to meet and walk next to Penn and Teller. They speak before every walk and there words are so powerful and you can tell there honest and comes from the heart. Penn and Tellers  contributions  to AFAN to me are very appreciated because they have help fund the aid of a lot of people. “ Las Vegas. In addition to leading the Walk, Penn & Teller will again serve as Grand Marshals for the event. This year marks the twenty-second year of this particular AIDS Walk, which is largest fundraising event of the year for AFAN. The AFAN Walk in 2011 attracted over 8,500 participants and successfully raised more than $461,000 for the nonprofit organization”


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